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Location: Greensboro, North Carolina, United States

Monday, January 30, 2006


Poetry can come in all shapes and sizes and while today's post may not look quite the same as some of the poems I've posted so far but I think they remain poetic all the same. How many of y'all have heard of the Storypeople? They are a group of artist/writers that manage this website ( containing hundreds of little sayings and observations. The words can be happy or sad, inspiring or just hilarious. Many have artwork to accompany them but the words remain just as powerful without. I've been compiling a list of some of my favorites. They are in pretty random order, but that's sort of the point...

the Storypeople

Ever since I found out I was schizophrenic, he said, I've been making up songs
that are easy to harmonize with. I really like a good sing-a-long.

This is an invitation to an amazing future & I can guarantee it because most futures
are & even if they aren't there are better things to do than blaming me about it

I'm feeling overdressed, she said & he held her close & said as far as he was concerned
she was always that way & her eyes glowed softly in the light of his desire

You're the strangest person I ever met, she said & I said you too &
we decided we'd know each other a long time.

Why do they treat us like children?
they said & I said why do you treat them like adults?
& their eyes opened wide & they began to laugh
& talk all at once & suddenly everything looked possible again.

I think I'm having a heart attack, she said, but it's dragging on for hours.
I told her not to worry. That's how most people who work a full day feel, I said.

Tries not to anthropomorphize everything he runs into but it all seems
friendlier when he knows the world on a first name basis.

My aunt had a poodle she dressed in little red sweaters with little dangly
ball things & I don't think it was any wonder that dog was so vicious.

I don't think of it as working for world peace, he said.
I think of it as just trying to get along in a really big strange family.

The clock is a conspiracy & a crime against humanity
& I would not own one except I miss appointments without it.

I'm not sure if the world's all that serious, she said,
or if it just has a really dark way of having a good time.

possibly my favorite:
He loved her for almost everything she was & she decided that was enough to let him stay for a very long time.


Blogger Darth Larry said...

"The clock is a conspiracy & a crime against humanity
& I would not own one except I miss appointments without it."

amen, hallelujah. this is the story of my life!

1/30/2006 03:50:00 PM  
Blogger MadMusician said...

welcome to storypeople. I swear they are just so right on sometimes!

1/30/2006 03:56:00 PM  
Blogger MadMusician said...

Here's a challenge for anyone reading my blog regularly. Go check out and find another great one that isn't on this list. There are still a ton of good ones out there and I'd love to see if the ones that speak to you are the same that spoke to me... Happy hunting!

1/30/2006 04:03:00 PM  
Blogger queenie said...

darling, thank you so much for happy thoughts...i'll call soon or something. or get on a plane to run away. we'll see. hope all is well!

love, abra

1/30/2006 05:22:00 PM  
Blogger Darth Larry said...

The surprising thing is that a beehive hairdo in marble is not that much heavier than the real thing.


1/31/2006 01:48:00 PM  
Blogger Darth Larry said...

Sometimes I think we should bury all our money in a hole & go back to enjoying life again, he said. It'd probably be a good idea to make a map of where the hole was just in case it didn't work out though.

this was good too.

1/31/2006 01:48:00 PM  
Blogger Darth Larry said...

wait, wait, *this* is my favorite:

"I thought we were getting along just fine, she said, until he noticed the extra legs."


1/31/2006 01:49:00 PM  
Blogger MadMusician said...

See isn't that place addicting?

1/31/2006 02:37:00 PM  

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